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What I love most about voiceover, is that it's a world where what you hear is what you see - and that's incredibly liberating as a creative.

10 Things People Ask Me


How did you get into voiceover?

I was a theater major at UCLA and a singer/songwriter who taught myself how to record at home, and all of that converged when a friend at MTV asked me to sing on a demo for an animated series to help the lead learn the song they wrote for her. I had no idea they were about to ask me to do an impression of her singing too! It gave me a glimpse into something really fun that I'd never tried (voice acting) yet already had so much foundation for through my other work. I signed up for VO classes soon after that. 


What are your other hobbies?

I enjoy making cakes, breads, and any sort of fun comfy food.



What kind of gear do you use?

I keep it simple. My start as an indie recording artist taught me the nuances of home studio success aren't always about the fanciest gear. I currently use Sennheiser MKH 416 and Scarlet2i2 with my Macbook. But the most important thing I always say... is mic position and getting the room to sound right.


What is your favorite voice project you've worked on?

My favorite project was the first time I ever booked an ADR role, and it was for an

A-list actress on a feature film! It was an unbelievable opportunity to work with the director and voice match the performance of an actress at that level. My music background came in really handy counting in the beeps and finding the exact breaths to take. 


If you could work on any voiceover project what would you choose?

My favorite animated series from childhood is JEM and the Holograms - I would love to audition for a remake. 


What is "your background"?

Ah this ambiguous question... From my mom's side I'm Korean, and from my dad's side I'm parts Choctaw and German. My parents met in a disco, and then some years after that I was born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina. At 17 I moved out to California to study at Idyllwild Arts Academy, followed by UCLA School of Theater Film & Television, and then USC Marshall School of Business. It's a story full of twists. 



What would I know you from?

My career highlight thus far has been with my music - my song "It's Easy" which I wrote, perform, and co-produced has been the theme song of Bravo TV's Southern Charm. Fun fact: The Burbank High School Show Choir (that Glee was based on) chose to perform my song in competition a couple years ago. 


Who do you recommend for voice over classes?

I think this depends on where you're starting from. Cathy Kalmenson's commercial class was by far the most comprehensive and you can't go wrong with that one. Otherwise I'm a big fan of always striving to fill in the gaps and I try to take a workshop every so often that's going to teach me more about a specialty sub-genre of VO and/or introduce me to new people from Games to Looping, to Promos to just practicing improving on group reads. 


What's something that only people who read this far on your website will know?

I have always wanted to write a stage musical. 



What's another super random VO anecdote?

I was on a boat for a fishing trip and the driver took us by a house on the lake he said belonged to Mel Blanc's son... as we passed he came out and waved and did Looney Tunes voices for us through a megaphone! I'd like to think I've been blessed...haha. 

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